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Amal Daher Eid and her husband Daher



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Stouh Beirut is organizing this fundraiser

December 14th, 2024

Amal’s (62 years old) journey with Stouh Beirut began years ago when she reached out for help to cover her husband Daher’s (62 years old) heart surgery, which we were able to support. Little did she know then that cancer was silently spreading through her body—starting with her breast and advancing to her digestive system. Today, she’s bedridden, unable to eat or manage the daily chores of their modest home. Amal and Daher, who have no children, are now completely helpless.

Last year, Amal made the heartbreaking decision to stop her treatment because it was unaffordable. With her husband neglecting his health and their inability to secure even basic necessities like food or heating, she believed there was no hope. Amal resigned herself to a slow death, thinking that cancer patients who go untreated for a year wouldn’t survive. However, her continued survival pushed her to plead for our help once more, hoping for a chance at life.

Amal urgently needs chemotherapy and medications to strengthen her bones and immunity, costing between $300 and $400 every 15 days, according to her doctor. However, due to financial constraints, she can only afford treatment once a month.

In addition to medical expenses, this family desperately needs food, heating, and basic supplies to survive, especially given the harsh winters in the mountainous region of Jdita. These necessities alone cost between $2,500 and $3,000 monthly. Over the years, they’ve had to sell all their belongings, including gold and other possessions, just to stay afloat and fight Amal’s illness.

Let’s make a #PromiseTogether not to abandon them. Let’s help Amal and Daher maintain their dignity and continue their fight for survival.

Stouh Beirut

Created: December 14th, 2024