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December 15th, 2024
December 15th, 2024
This story begins with Rania, a 46-year-old educated woman who has always been a source of strength and support for her family and sisters. She has been diagnosed with two rare conditions: epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Rania needs four therapy sessions a week to regain mobility, specialized medical supplies to assist with her daily needs, and costly medications that are often only available on the black market. These necessities cost approximately $1,500 per month.
Rita, 59 years old, takes care of Rania but faces her own health challenges. She suffers from an eye hemorrhage requiring injections every 1 to 3 months, each costing $800. Due to financial difficulties, she has had to stop her treatment. Despite this, she devotes all her time to Rania's care.
Sayde, the eldest sister at 62, carries the financial responsibility for the family. She earns a modest salary of $200 per month, which is far from sufficient to cover their needs. Sayde also suffers from eye hemorrhages and diabetes, requiring ongoing medical care.
These three sisters rely entirely on one another and now need external support. Their combined medical and living expenses amount to $4,000 per month.
Created: December 15th, 2024